
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings
LINE: MIN +3  O/U:46.5
Sun 4:25 PM FOX

  W L T








Green Bay Packers 11 4 0 5-0 7-1 4-3 3-1 8-3 7-6-2 7-8
Minnesota Vikings 9 6 0 3-2 6-1 3-5 3-1 6-5 8-6 6-9

2012 Statistics  
  MIN Offense GB Defense
Points Scored 22.8 19.93
Total Yards 329.4 329.6
Rush Yards 160.66 111.93
Pass Yards 168.73 217.66
3rd Down 36.36% 37.37%
Red Zone Eff 52.17% 60.97%
Time of Poss 28:32 29:24
  GB Offense MIN Defense
Points Scored 26.6 20.93
Total Yards 356.4 346.33
Rush Yards 108.13 108
Pass Yards 248.26 238.33
3rd Down 42% 41.01%
Red Zone Eff 65.11% 57.44%
Time of Poss 30:36 31:48

Recent Games        






Sun, 12/02/12 3 Min 14 @ GB 23 Push -9 U 46.5
Mon, 11/14/11 10 Min 7 @ GB 45 GB -13.5 O 50
Sun, 10/23/11 7 GB 33 @ Min 27 Min +8.5 O 46.5
Sun, 11/21/10 11 GB 31 @ Min 3 GB -3 U 44.5
Sun, 10/24/10 7 Min 24 @ GB 28 GB -3 O 44
Sun, 11/01/09 8 Min 38 @ GB 26 Min +3 O 47.5
Mon, 10/05/09 4 GB 23 @ Min 30 Min -4.5 O 46
Sun, 11/09/08 10 GB 27 @ Min 28 GB +2.5 O 45
Mon, 09/08/08 1 Min 19 @ GB 24 GB -2.5 O 38.5
Sun, 11/11/07 10 Min 0 @ GB 34 GB -6 U 40.5
Sun, 09/30/07 4 GB 23 @ Min 16 GB -2 O 38
Thu, 12/21/06 16 Min 7 @ GB 9 Min +3 U 36.5
Sun, 11/12/06 10 GB 23 @ Min 17 GB +5 P 40

Matchup Edge

Points Scored
Points Allowed
Yards Gained
Yards Allowed
Rush Offense
Pass Offense
Time of Possession
Red Zone Efficiency

The Green Bay Packers are a solid favorite with a 67% chance to beat the Minnesota Vikings. Ryan Grant is projected for 24 rushing yards and a 12% chance of having at least 1 rushing TD. In the 33% of simulations where Minnesota Vikings wins, Christian Ponder averages 1.14 TD passes vs 0.78 interceptions, while in losses he has a ratio of 0.88 TDs to 1.5 interceptions. Adrian Peterson averages 191 rushing yards and 1.96 rushing TDs when Minnesota Vikings wins and 111 yards and 0.82 TDs in losses. The Green Bay Packers has a 50% chance of forcing more turnovers than they commit. Positive turnover margin helps them win 86% of the time.

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